Executive Committee

What is the role of the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee oversees and coordinates the work of the UKIACR. Each full-member organisation of the UKIACR is represented on the Executive Committee and has a full voting right.

The membership of the UKIACR Executive Committee consists of:

  • the directors of all full-member registries in the UK or their nominees - this includes the Office for National Statistics (ONS); and the following as observers:
  • one representative of the Republic of Ireland National Cancer Registration Scheme
  • one representative of the West Midlands Regional Children's Tumour Registry, Birmingham
  • one representative of the Department of Health Cancer Policy Team
  • the National Cancer Registry Coordinator for England

In addition to the core membership, representatives of associate members and chairs of special-interest groups are occasionally invited to attend meetings of the Executive Committee. Other persons who would facilitate the work of the UKIACR may also be invited by the Executive Committee to attend its meetings as observers.

Four nominated officers undertake the role of chief liaison officers between the UKIACR and its membership; they facilitate the exchange of information, coordinate the organisation of meetings and research projects, and oversee the management of financial affairs.

Current officers are:

Co-Chairs: Dr Dyfed Wyn Huws, Director, Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit, Health Intelligence Division, Public Health Wales and Dr David Morrison, Director of the Scottish Cancer Registry
Executive Secretariat provided by Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit, Health Intelligence Division, Public Health Wales

The officers are nominated by the full members of the UKIACR, with the exception
of the Executive Secretary, who is nominated by the member providing the secretariat. Officers serve for a two-year term and no officer may serve more than two successive terms in the same office.

The Executive Committee meets at least three times a year. The UKIACR holds an Annual General Meeting, which takes place during the UKIACR Annual Conference, and is open to all staff of all full and associate members of the UKIACR.

In addition to the Executive Committee, a series of sub-groups carry out the work of the UKIACR.

For further information about how the UKIACR is organised, please see the Constitution.

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